Draft Official Plan & Zoning By-law
Open House
October 9, 2024 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Gillies Community Centre (corner of Highway 595 and 608)
The Corporation of the Township of gillies invites You to attend an Open House to discuss the proposed New Official plan and Zoning By-law updates.
This open house is part of the public consultation process under the Planning Act, and it is an opportunity for residents, businesses, and stakeholders to review and provide feedback on these important documents that will shape the future development of our community.
This event is being held in person only and presented by Fotenn.
The Official Plan and Zoning By-law Draft Documents can be found on the website under www.gilliestownship.com/OP.
Copies of the document will be available at the event. If you require a printed copy of the Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law prior to the Open House please contact the Municipal Office and one will be printed for pick-up. No copies will be mailed. Due to the size of the documents they will be printed by request only by calling ahead with pick up being the next day. Deadline to request a printed document is October 7th by 4:00 PM.
For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, contact Laura Bruni, Clerk for the Township of Gillies, Phone: 807-485-3185 ext. 3 - Email: gillies@gilliestownship.com
The following documents will be discussed at the open house. A mailed notice will be sent out the week of September 23rd with the same information as provided in this notice.