As part of the Ontario Building Code (OBC), you will need a building permit before you begin your next building or renovation project in the Township of Gillies. Building permits help keep our community safe with set standards for health, fire and structure safety.

It is illegal to build without a building permit.

Download  you applications here

No application will be accepted if it is not complete.

A site plan is required as part of all applications. No application will be complete or processed until a site plan has been received by the Clerk-Treasurer. Please read below for further information related to site plans.

Important information to read before filing your application

The Building Services Department in Gillies Township is the body responsible for enforcing Ontario's Building Code in the municipality. They are responsible for permits for construction, renovation, demolition and certain changes of use of buildings.

Building permits allow the municipality to protect the interests of both individuals and the community.  By reviewing building plans before any work is done, the municipality can ensure that buildings comply with the Ontario Building Code, conservation authorities, and the local planning and zoning by-laws.  

All Building Applications must be submitted with payment prior to the Chief Building Official reviewing an application. As of July 1, 2022 a non-refundable zoning fee of $250.00 will be applied to all applications. The Chief Building Official and Township Staff do not provide legal or building advice. Please allow up to 10 business days for an application to be reviewed.

Notice of project may be required under the Ministry of Labour's Health and Safety Laws for Construction Projects. Contact the Ministry of Labour at 807-475-1691 if you have any questions.

In the event that there is a discrepancy between information posted on the website and the Chief Building Official, the Chief Building Official will prevail. 

For all septic field and leaching bed installations, permits and inspections contact the Thunder Bay District Health Unit at (807) 625-5900.
For all electrical permits and required inspections contact the Electrical Safety Authority at 1-877-372-7233.
The person to whom a building permit is issued shall notify the Chief Building Official and request an inspection at the following stages of construction:

Building Inspection

  • Readiness to construct footings.
  • Substantial completion of the reinforcing in the ICF formwork prior to pouring concrete
  • Substantial completion of footings and foundations prior to the commencement of backfilling
  • Substantial completion of soil gas barrier/reinforcing prior to basement floor or slab on grade pour.
  • Substantial completion of structural framing and ductwork and piping for heating and air conditioning for Residential Buildings
  • Substantial completion of insulation
  • Substantial completion of vapour/air barriers
  • Substantial completion of all required fire separations and closures and all fire protection systems required in multi-residential buildings
  • Rough-in of solid fuel fired appliances and chimneys (fireplaces, woodstoves, etc.)


Plumbing Inspection

  • Substantial completion of the sewage system before the commencement of backfilling including soil gas piping
  • Substantial completion of plumbing not located in a structure, prior to backfilling
  • Readiness and testing of:
    • building sewers and building drains
    • water service pipes
    • drainage systems and venting systems
    • the water distribution system, and
    • plumbing fixtures and plumbing appliances
    • heating systems – Hydronic and Geothermal

Two copies of drawings are required for all permit applications:

 House Construction

  • site plan
  • cross section(s)
  • elevation views
  • structural framing details
  • footing/foundation plan
  • floor plans
  • roof plan for complex designs
  • survey/drainage and grading plan
  • for the installation of any wood-burning appliance please ensure to include a detailed installation plan and the manufacturers installation instructions.
  • heat loss/gain calculation and ventilation HVAC summary

 House Additions

  • all requirements noted for a house, as well as a full and complete site plan for the entire lot
  • foundation/floor plans and cross sections to include the adjacent structure
  • elevation views of all affected building sides

 Detached garages and sheds

  • full and complete site plan for the entire lot
  • foundation/ footing and pier plan
  • floor plan
  • cross-section
  • elevation views


  • full and complete site plan for the entire lot
  • foundation/ footing and pier plan
  • deck framing plan
  • guard and handrail details

This is not an exhaustive list.

  • Adding a bedroom to the basement
  • Adding dormer to existing roof
  • Additions to a building
  • Attached garage, carport, shed or other roof structures
  • Backflow prevention device
  • Basement or main floor walkouts
  • Creating a duplex (a.k.a. in-law suite, accessory apartment, granny flat)
  • Decks greater the 24 inches in height, plus decks less than 24 inches in height that have a hand railing
  • Demolition of a structure greater than 108 square feet in building area
  • Detached garage, shed or accessory structure 108 square feet and greater (measured to the outside face of exterior walls)
  • Finishing the basement of a house
  • Industrial, commercial, institutional and multi-residential construction or alterations or changes of use
  • Installing a new window or door - when increasing the width of the existing opening
  • New residential dwellings
  • Plumbing fixtures added or relocated
  • Re-insulating walls, ceilings or floors
  • Removing a load bearing wall, column, lintel or beam
  • Renovation or converting an existing building (change of use)
  • Site servicing (water or sewer lines) for all building types
  • Solar Panels that are mounted to a building
  • Woodstove or wood burning fireplace

This is not an exhaustive list.

  • Decks less than 24 inches do not require a permit unless it is attached to a house
  • Door and window replacements (within the existing opening, where no structural members are changed)
  • Installing a gas fireplace
  • Installing new shingles on existing roof
  • Installing a water softener
  • Painting, wall papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, countertops, and similar finish work
  • Replacing a plumbing fixture (i.e. toilet, bathtub or sink) with a new fixture in the same location
  • Structure less than 15 m2 measured from the outside face of walls (that does not contain human habitation, plumbing, heat source or a second floor)
    • Accessory buildings must conform with the Zoning by-law regardless of building size

This is not an exhaustive list.

 A site plan is a drawing showing the complete property and identifying all structures in relation to the property boundaries. It should include:

  • Drawing to scale
  • North arrow
  • Lot lines and dimensions
  • Existing and proposed construction and dimensions
  • Setbacks and lot lines
  • Proposed changes to existing grade

Sample site plan

In accordance with the Gillies Township Official Plan, Section 6.16 the Official Plan may be implemented through the use of site plan control subject to the provisions of Section 41, of the Planning Act. All of the area affected by the Official Plan shall be deemed to be a site plan control area with the exception of single and two unit residential dwellings and agricultural operations.

For more information about site plan control contact the Municipal Clerk.

Visit the By-law page to view the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.