Committees provide advice and recommendations to Council on a variety of issues, including but not limited to roads, landfill and economic community development. Below is a list of the Township of Gillies committees.

Cemetery Board

Community Safety Plan Committee

Fire Protection Committee

General Advisory Committee

History Book Committee

Roads Advisory Committee

Waste Management Committee

When positions become available, we invite residents to take the opportunity to serve on a committee. Serving on a committee is one of the ways you can get involved and make a difference in your community. If you are interested in having an active role in shaping the Township of Gillies future, please visit our Careers page.



 The Lakehead OPP Detachment Board

The Lakehead OPP Detachment Board: Reeve Wendy Wright

The Lakehead OPP Detachment Board represents communities within the Thunder Bay OPP Detachment Area. The Board is made up of one elected official from each of the following seven (7) communities, as well as three (3) Provincial representatives and three (3) community representatives;

 The Lakehead Rural Municipal Coalition (LRMC)

Lakehead Rural Municipal Coalition (LRMC): Reeve Wendy Wright and Alternate Reeve as a back up

Representing our and our Neighbours’ Common Interests. The LRMC was formed to consider issues common to the six rural communities surrounding the City of Thunder Bay. Member municipalities include the Township of Conmee, Township of Gillies and Township of O’Connor, Municipality of Neebing, Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge and the Municipality of Shuniah. The Reeve or Mayor and a senior administration staff member from each municipality meet regularly to discuss issues affecting the rural municipalities and to determine courses of action.

The LRMC generally meets every two months.

LRMC Meeting Dates and Information Page

 Lakehead Regional Conservation Authority (LRCA)
 Lakehead Region Conservation Authority: Councillor Rudy Buitenhuis
 Lakehead Rural Planning Board (LRPB)
 Lakehead Rural Planning Board: Councillor Elizabeth Jones
  • The Lakehead Rural Planning Board provides planning services for the Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge, the Municipality of Neebing, Conmee Township, O’Connor Township, the Township of Gillies and the unincorporated Townships of Gorham, Ware and Dawson Road Lots 1-20.
  • for more information, please see
  • for minutes, please see
 Thunder Bay District Health Unit (TBDHU)

Gillies Council shares the board seat with the Municipality of Neebing.

Gillies board seat will be 2027 - 2031.

Thunder Bay District Health Unit Board: Mayor Mark Thiebert

 Thunder Bay District Municipal League (TBDML)
 Thunder Bay District Municipal League: Reeve Wendy Wright
 Thunder Bay District Social Services Administration Board (TBDSSAB)

Gillies Council shares the board seat with the Municipality of Shuniah

Gillies board seat will be 2027 - 2031.

Thunder Bay District Social Services Association (TBDSSAB): Councillor Meghan Chomut