You can visit the Municipal Office to get an Oath of Affidavit/Statutory Declaration signed and stamped by a Commissioner of Oaths. An appointment is required for this free service. Please contact the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer or Deputy Clerk-Treasurer.

Notary Public Services - The Township of Gillies does not provide this service. If the document specifies that it needs to be notarized, you have to contact a lawyer.


  • Do not sign the document in advance. You must sign the document in the presence of the Commissioner.
  • Read the document in advance. This is extremely important as you will be swearing that the statements in the document are true. When signing under oath, you are swearing as if you are testifying in a court of law that the document contains true statements.
  • Bring with you everything that you will need, including any letter of instruction from the person or office requesting the sworn statement.
  • If a sworn statement indicates that there are copies of documents to be attached (eg: exhibits), you must bring the original documents with you, as well as the copies to be attached. If you do not bring in the attachments, the Commissioner cannot administer the oaths.

You MUST show valid photo identification. The Commissioner must be satisfied that you are the person who you claim to be and the person named on the document before administering the oath.

You must be 18 years of age or older to take an oath in regards to a document. If a person under 18 is required to take an oath, additional notation will be made on the document.

If a witness is required, you should bring someone who knows you. The witness must NOT be your spouse, your child or another relative. The witness may be required to swear an Affidavit of Witness before a Commissioner that states that he or she saw you sign the document and that you are who you claim to be.

If the document is in a language other than English, the Commissioner cannot provide Commissioner Services, unless you bring the translated English version of the document with you.

There are a number of residents of Canada who were born in other countries and are entitled to receive pensions from their country of birth. These pensions require periodic verification that the pensioner is still living. A Commissioner can provide this service.
If you require a sworn statement on an application for a Canadian passport, a Commissioner can administer the oath and complete your statement.
A guarantor, including a lawyer, cannot sign your application unless he or she has known you for a period of at least two years. The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (Passport Canada) will sometimes follow up by telephone with the guarantor to verify the facts in the guarantor's statement, such as eye colour, height, full name, etc.
  • The Municipality cannot authenticate documents. On the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada website, you can find information about authenticating documents. The Municipality cannot provide notarial certificates, certified true copies, or documents specifically requesting a notary public.
  • The Commissioner cannot provide you with any advice with respect to the documents that you are swearing. You need to read and fully understand the documents yourself.
  • The Commissioner has the right to refuse to commission documents where there is a possibility that the Commissioner may be required to testify in a court of law.
  • The Municipality will not process documents relating to:
    • Estate, Will or Power of Attorney documents
    • Real Estate documents
    • Documents that are leaving the country
    • Consent to travel letter
    • Immigration applications
    • In lieu of guarantor’ documents
    • Documents that require a Notary Public
  • The Commissioner reserves the right to refuse to commission documents for persons who are not capable of understanding them.

All documents presented for a “true copy” must be original documents.

The actual photocopy itself may be taken by the Commissioner in order to validate that it is an actual true copy of the original.

 There is no charge for this service