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Draft Official Plan and Zoning By-law Documents
The deadline to provide your comments related to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law is November 18, 2024 by 4:30 PM. Comments must be in writing and provided to the Clerk via mail, email, in-person.
Zoning Information
Every property within Gillies Township is subject to policies in the Zoning By-law. A zoning by-law contains provisions that regulate the use, size, height, density and location of buildings on properties. The by-law consists of maps to show what zone each property is in and the permitted uses for each zone.
The Official Plan sets out the general vision, goals and objectives for the municipality. It describes the policies on how land should be used. The Official Plan provides a framework for the municipal zoning by-law and ensures that future growth meets the needs of our community.
Visit the By-law and Policies page to view the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.
The Lakehead Rural Planning Board provides planning services for the Township of Gillies, Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge, the Municipality of Neebing, Conmee Township, O’Connor Township, and the unincorporated Townships of Gorham, Ware and Dawson Road Lots 1-20.
Contact the Lakehead Rural Planning Board for more information.