Register for local and provincial elections, all in one place.

Confirm, update or add your information to the Register for provincial, municipal, district social services administration board and school board elections in Ontario.

Register now

There are three types of registers for provincial and/or local* elections in Ontario:

  • Permanent Register of Electors for Ontario, commonly known as “the Register”, for eligible individuals voting in provincial, municipal, district social services administration board and school board elections.
  • Register of Absentee Voters for eligible provincial electors temporarily living outside Ontario who intend to return to Ontario
  • Ontario Register of Future Voters for eligible individuals who are 16 or 17 years of age

Search the Register to confirm, update, add or remove your information and/or property from the Register. You will need to provide ID and/or other required documentation. 

In this section, you will find information about:

Alternatively, you can complete a paper application form

*Local elections include municipaldistrict social services administration board and school board elections in Ontario.